Sunday, March 14, 2010

Editorial: I now know I am "INFJ" oh yeah! (told in first person fictisous narritive)

Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging types, like myself often muse on their plateau of solitude of the utterances and ramblings of the flock that they belong to rumbling somewhere far off in the distance. Aries by dogma and "INFJ" by trade, we the 22% introverted, 25% Intuitives, 12% feelers that only judge with 11% of our being tend to gravitate towards a weightier cause. We are the virtual psychic Robin Hoods for the blue collar working class, Heroes of the oppressed and in our fellowship with all humanity dream of a day when justice will come and there will be the emergence of a third or even fourth political party that holds some standing with the common voter, well at least enough to make a difference, or put up a really good fight. Our virtual clarity of perception makes our presence felt on the innermost circle of the soul, true empaths that grasp that the heart and mind only work in conjunction and cannot stand alone. Apparently though prophetic by reputation we too "express a range of emotion and opinions of, for, and about people". When I am not daydreaming of a pacifistic social upheaval I day dream in the corner biding my time. Silent and aloof, waiting for the snap in my mind and the spring in my soul to balance the scales. Pondering, probing, wishing and waiting for tomorrow to begin today. But that is only because I have been "twice blessed with clarity of vision both internal and exterenal". For when the subconscious ceases to be present, and the true self is reached only then will the world around us crystallize and we will remember to let go of all things that truly do not matter. On that day our freedom will finally rise from the ashes of the phoenix as set the night sky aflame with it's majestic flight. It's kinda sad that the results remind me of me, but then again...

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