Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"The SHeLL" (in all it's form and glory)

The new shells came in Tuesday. I had mine in hand by Thursday and since then it was an upward battle between me and my little conical piece of sea decor. We tried to start it out easy. You know how awkward some introductions are, this being no exception. I thought it might be nice to get to know each other by a few informal thumbnails, maybe later do a few quick gesture studies. You know to break the ice. It is rude after all to go into intimate detail about a shells aesthetic right away. To put it bluntly, if you are going to be staring at something with nothing but a look of intense scrutiny on you face for hours on end the least of your expectations is to know the name of the darn thing. *note; (it is, and will always be "SHeLL".) So i coxed it on to a pillow for a couple of hours of fun on the couch, and then around three am I announced that I shall be going to bed, and it could stay on the couch if it would like, but was not invited to the bedroom. Despite a fairly intimate encounter with "SHeLL" , also a fairly successful one I have decided that maybe I didn't give enough attention to "SHeLL", and may call it later and set an apology date. Perhaps offer to do it's cone.

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